We live in a world of words. Some words mean a great deal to us. Words such as love, health, happiness, success, achievement, joy, ability, describe conditions we all want. But there is one word, which controls them all. There is one word, which describes a condition that will bring us all these things, or keep us from getting any one of them. It has been called the most important word on earth.

In our language it is pronounced ATTITUDE. It is a magic word. Once we are grown and on our own, this word actually controls our environment, our entire world.

If your attitude toward the world is good, you will obtain good results. If your attitude is excellent, you will obtain excellent results. If your attitude is just so-so, you will live in a world that is not particularly bad nor particularly good – just so-so.

Now, if you are curious about what kind of attitude you have, a simple test will tell you what your attitude has been up to this point in your life. “Do you feel the world is treating you well?”

Our environment, which is another way of saying how, the world treats us, is nothing more than a reflection of our own attitude.

One of the most pitiful aspects of society is the really large percentage of people who lead dismal, narrow, darkened lives, crying out against what appears to be a cruel world which they believe has singled them out an existence of trouble, misery and bad luck.

One of the most pitiful aspects of society is the really large percentage of people who lead dismal, narrow, darkened lives, crying out against what appears to be a cruel world which they believe has singled them out an existence of trouble, misery and bad luck.

The world doesn’t care whether we change or not. Adopting a good healthy
attitude toward life doesn’t affect life and the people with whom we come in contact nearly as much as it affects us. As it says in the Bible “As ye sow, so shall ye reap”.

It would be impossible to even estimate the number of jobs that have been lost, the number of promotions missed, the number of sales not made, the number of marriages ruined by poor attitude. But you can number in the millions the jobs which are held but hated, the marriages which are tolerated but unhappy, all because of people who are waiting for others or the world to change toward them, instead of being big enough and wise enough to realise that we only get back what we put out.

You can change your world and your environment by making this simple test: treat every person you meet without a single exception, as the most important person on earth. You will find that they will begin treating you the same way. You see, every person IS the most important person on earth.