Founding Fellow Membership
TISI welcomes all applications for accredited Founding Fellow Memberships. These accredited “exceptional” memberships are principally available to those who have a proven record of excellence in the sales and sales management professions. TISI will also, from time to time, invite professional, high sales achievers, to take up the accreditation of Founding Fellow. These outstanding sales achievers represent all segments of the business community and markets, and they will be proud to support and promote the TISI in its vision of certifying, professionalizing and ethicizing the sales industry globally. Founding Fellow members will be dedicated to promoting the TISI within their respective business markets and the community in general. They will proudly demonstrate their TISI accreditation within all their business activities. TISI offers these exceptional memberships in acknowledgement of long-term commitment to the sales and sales management professions. It goes without saying that in all cases the business systems and organisations represented by these TISI memberships must be legally recognised and accredited in the country within which they operate.
Membership by Invitation or Application Only