Our Point of Difference
21st Century consumers are better educated and well informed. TISI therefore recognises that traditional sales techniques and methods have become obsolete, inappropriate and well past their “use by date”.
TISI is therefore totally committed to a new age and 21st Century relevant selling process exemplified by the 12 Immutable Pillars of Relationship Based Selling that are contained within our Code of Conduct.
TISI is also committed to the reality that “people are much more interested in how much we care than in how much we know” and that “the relationship is always more important than the sale”.
TISI is further committed to providing all those who make their living via the selling function, with internet based, relevant, job and industry specific sales and sales management education and training.
With relevance to the 12 Immutable Pillars of Relationship Based Selling, TISI is undeniably committed to certifying, ethicising and professionalising the sales career globally. Thus, ensuring that the sales industry is recognised as professional, competent, valued and respected.